
[.NET C#] DataTable GROUP BY

由於有大量Transaction資料(超過十萬行)在資料庫, 同時想做多個不同的統計, 為免加重資料庫的負荷, 唯有一次過query所需資料, 再在client那邊進行統計運算

Google一下後, 發現.net中的DataTable竟然沒有GROUP BY的功能
找了一些用foreach loop + Rows.Add 來自行製作一個新Table的教學
private DataTable GroupBy(DataTable myTable)
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    foreach (DataRow row in myTable.Rows)
        string s = row["ColumnName"].ToString();
        DataRow[] drx = dt.Select("ColumnName= '" + s + "'");
        if (drx.Length == 0)
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { s });
    return dt;

可是這麼一來就每一項統計都要自行製作一套Group by的運作, 延續性太低, 於是我在arstechnica forum發現了一個有用的function, 就拿了來改改, 比較dynamic一點點

public struct StatGroupByInfo
    public string table_Filter;
    public string[] column_FilterExpr;
    public string[] column_names;
    public string[] column_functions;
    public Type[] column_types;
    public string[] group_by;       //also sort by the first group_by column

    public StatGroupByInfo(string table_filter, string[] col_filters, string[] col_names, string[] col_functions, Type[] col_type, string[] group)
        table_Filter = table_filter;
        column_FilterExpr = col_filters;
        column_names = col_names;
        column_functions = col_functions;
        column_types = col_type;
        group_by = group;

static class DataSetFunctions
    public static DataTable GroupBy(DataTable table, StatGroupByInfo info)
        return GroupBy(table, info.table_Filter, info.column_FilterExpr, info.column_names, info.column_functions, info.column_types, info.group_by);

    public static DataTable GroupBy(DataTable table, string table_filter, string[] filterExpr, string[] aggregate_columns, string[] aggregate_functions, Type[] column_types, string[] group_by_columns)
        //Filter the table
        DataView dvView = new DataView(table, table_filter, group_by_columns[0] + " ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

        //Group the table by column
        DataTable dtGrouped = dvView.ToTable(true, group_by_columns);

        //Implement aggregate functions
        for (int i = 0; i < aggregate_columns.Length; i++)
            dtGrouped.Columns.Add(aggregate_columns[i], column_types[i]);

        foreach (DataRow row in dtGrouped.Rows)
            List<string> filter_parts = new List<string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < group_by_columns.Length; i++)
                filter_parts.Add(String.Format("[{0}] = '{1}'", group_by_columns[i], row[group_by_columns[i]].ToString().Replace("'", "''")));

            string filter = String.Join(" AND ", filter_parts.ToArray());

            for (int i = 0; i < aggregate_columns.Length; i++)
                string columnFilter = filter;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterExpr[i].Trim()))
                    columnFilter = columnFilter + " AND " + filterExpr[i];

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table_filter.Trim()))
                        columnFilter = table_filter + " AND " + columnFilter;

                row[aggregate_columns[i]] = table.Compute(aggregate_functions[i], columnFilter);

                if (row[aggregate_columns[i]] == DBNull.Value && column_types[i] == typeof(uint))
                    row[aggregate_columns[i]] = 0;

        return dtGrouped;

StatGroupByInfo groupByInfo = new StatGroupByInfo( "", new string[] { "[action] = 1 or [action] = 2",  "[action] = 3 or [action] = 4", "[action] = 5 or [action] = 6"}, new string[]{ "itemmallPoint", "nonItemmallPoint", "totalPoint" }, new string[]{ "sum(usePoint)", "sum(usePoint)", "sum(usePoint)" }, new Type[]{ typeof(uint), typeof(uint), typeof(uint) }, new string[]{ "date" } ),

DataTable _dt = DataSetFunctions.GroupBy(DbRes.Transaction, groupByInfo);

要customize 一個group by 的operation, 主要是用StatGroupByInfo裡的variables
public string table_Filter: 就是原來那個table的filter, 先濾掉不在統計範圍內的entry
public string[] column_FilterExpr: 每個column不同的filter
public string[] column_names: column的名稱, 可以自訂
public string[] column_functions: 每個column的aggregate function, 如 count, max, avg 等, 可參考MSDN
public Type[] column_types: 每個column的type, 要跟上面aggregate的return type對應
public string[] group_by: 要進行 GROUP BY 的columns

後來發現有很多人寫的DataHelperClass, 用來manage dataset的data:
geekswithblogs一堆Helper Class 中的DataSetHelper Class that I am using
MSDN 上的一些文章

